Wednesday, October 28, 2009


黑色是邪恶的象征, 白色乃是纯洁的表现. 不同的颜色有它独特的意义. 那属于你的颜色是什么呢?

颜色原本是很单纯的一个词语, 不过随着时代的变迁, 颜色的定义也有所改变. 或许人类已经到达了自我的境界, 所以别人的利益对他们来说也并非重要了.

以前, 我认为这是一个花花世界, 充满着活力与色彩, 漂亮极了! 但是, 随着慧眼慢慢地张开, 心中不禁有所领悟. 美丽的颜色似乎再也不象以往那么的美丽了. 美丽之所以会模糊乃是人类的步伐太快了, 因此往往无法静下心来欣赏世界优美的一面.

人类真的可以达到"真, 善, 美" 中"美"的境界吗? 我不知道答案, 不过我相信自己已接近真相了.

"灰"或许是现在代表的颜色: 是"朦胧"的....是"肮脏"的....

希望有一天, 世界能再次洁白来. 不在灰暗了.

那么, 现在代表您心中的颜色又是什么呢?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Teach me...

Learning to love...
Learning to give...
Learning to smile...
Learning to be fun...
Learning to overcome myself...
Learning to mingle with the youths...
Learning to walk by faith and not by sight...
Learning to struggle with You and find rest in You...
Learning to look beyond my inadequacy and into Your loving hands...

There are so many things to learn and I am tired...
Sow and you will reap... Paying a price... and this is the only way...
Give me courage to learn and sow; so that I can stand firm and tall...
I am still learning... Earth is still moving... Passion and compassion... I need them both...
Self-pity come near me not... Negative feeling loves me not... confusion touches me not
All I want is a clear mind and moving towards your plan...

Benjamin Chew Quote: Learning to stand is not enough... What it matter is how you stand through.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Which way?











Thursday, June 25, 2009

A time for dynamic change

Hi guys... It has really been a while i come and write something on this blog. Kinda of lazy.. All because of the wonderfully holiday I had gone through. This year Church Camp was definitely a good one and I really receive a lot from God in regardless of His word and His healing power.


Yesterday was indeed a fun time where we had a GM gathering at East Coast Park (ECP). These group of lively youth each hidden with talents and a different story to tell. Though their ways of expressing themselves, it has proven that each are unique in their own special ways. Friends and friends forever is what marks the bond of this young lives. They are precious and they are vulnerable. These young ones hold what it takes for tomorrow.

Getting into it:

Though I was thinking of posting on a title name 《十四岁男孩的烦恼》initially, but after looking at these young peoples, I think I would rather change it to 《十四岁男孩的理想》. Nevertheless, I feel each has the ability to do what they can if they believe it.

Knowing many young ones has indeed enrich my life and widen the horizon of what a teenager is like today. Well knowing them having much great fun. I feel a dynamic group of young people is rising up from GM and will make a difference in many of the lost; if they were to stand up and take up the mandate.

One friend I knew yesterday, his name is Inn Kee, nice name anyway. He is someone I feel that he is cheerful and playful at times. Well this what a youth is like ba. Anyway, this brother that I had know give me one impression - outgoing. I not going to write what you said to me yesterday la; cause i know you are playing with me. :)


Dudes, I better get going. Holiday is coming to the end soon. It will neither be affected by H1N1. So may everyone enjoy your last few days of holiday as well as getting ready for school ya :)

Take care and God bless all who reading this post. ;)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Lovely Class 2009 ...

Hi guys I know you all are fed up with words now let me feed you with pictures.. :)

From the left: Ju Heng, Jence, Yu shan, Yi Ting

From Left: Ye Qiang, Matthew, Jun Wei, Sok Cheng

From Left: George, Bill, Ye Qiang, Shi Qi

From Left: Qing Wei, Ying Qi, Sheng Ting, Ming Yi

Qi Sheng The Most Vocal One

Jun Jie The Kung Fu Master

Eugene The Cheerful Boy

Na Yi The Most helpful Girl

Chang Xin The walker and Not the talker

Jack The Actor for the year of 2009

Hi pupils of Macpherson Primary School, you are all missed . Study hard, do well and strive for excellency. Jia you :)

The War is over... Challenges on her ways...

DingDongDongDong~Dong Dong Dong Dong~ Well sound familiar? That's right this is what we always hear in school. A sound that we all always look forward to. It tells us that, hey few more hours to recess.; few more hours to home. I guess this sound will surely be missed by me. Why? Because I had graduated as a full-pledged beginner teacher. Though I will still hear the bell ring, I believe that would not be the same as before.

As I looked back my life, things have not been easy for me. I must say it was a year of venture then. Stresses are bound to have but the whole mentality of facing it is rather important. As I am typing, my heart feel the pains that i faced in the past. At the same time, I also feel the joy for able to walk through this long and uncertain journey. The laughter and tears we all once shared; te goals and the visions we all talked about; the compliments and arguments we all gone through had really made us united and strong. Thanks for the companionship. A friend who curry favor and take advangtage of you is rather alot; whereas a true and transparent friendship is rather hard to find. My friends in NIE and STP, I really enjoy the days we are together. Well though we may be seperating or some of us; remember the bonds we once shared.

My heart feel like crying not because I am emo, but the tears of joy just want to rushed out from the bottom of the supression I had been going through. The supression of fear and uncertainties; the supression of anger and disappointments and such. I must really thank the Lord for what He has done. In the past, people questioned me and said: "hey is this really what you want for the rest of your life? Are you sure you will not regret it. Brother be realistic, go for better career." How discouraging ah. Anyway I saw God's faithfulness even when I doubt Him. I saw His love embracing me. I saw his discipline over me. My soul and spirit I trust in Him. You lead me through even people do not trust me. You know I detest all those feeling from peoples. Yet You had taught me the meaning of "iron sharpens irons". I am not worthy yet you place your stake on me by dying for me on the cross. A grateful heart is what i feel now.

This is the day I proudly say and I want to tell the world that this God I am serving is real and awesome. Go on and say He is not real. Go on and say He only bless the riches. But I must testify from my burning heart, He is a God of realness. A God who never give up on His children. A God who is there through the darkest moment of our lives. Who shall be against me when the Lord is for me.

Practicum... I had done with and I had fight a good fight. I had run the race and I had done it well. God leads me as you bring me to the next phase of life. God I need you! I need your love and strength. I need the favor of Yours and mankind. God the challenges You had given to me, I will strive to overcome it.

Thank you Lord. Though the war is over, challenges are still on her ways. I am ready. Don't you dare me!